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Amazonas is one of the best LGBTQIA+ destinations where MH Experience operates high-quality products

The experience of getting to know the world’s largest forest is unforgettable. Located in the north of Brazil, the state of Amazonas has a variety of tours for tourists. MH Experience emphasizes river cruises, bird watching, the rich indigenous culture and accommodation in forest hotels. LGBT travelers can enjoy these tours and will be assured of quality local service. The Amazon rainforest offers authentic experiences such as swimming with Amazon dolphins and watching the Negro and Solimões rivers meet. The region is accessible from the capital Manaus.

Main tourist attractions

Attractions to include in your itinerary

MH Experience recommends a number of attractions in the region. As a highlight, it is important to list some essential tourist attractions for a good experience at the destination:

-Anavilhanas National Park
-Lake Janauari Ecological Park
-Visit to Manaus
-Ponta Negra and Praia da Lua beaches
-Amazon Theater
-Amazon Museum
-Presidente Figueiredo Waterfalls
-Amazon River Cruises
-Meeting of the Negro and Solimões Rivers
-Swim with Amazon Dolphins
-Climbing trees in the Amazon rainforest
-Night focus in the Amazon

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Best Season

The good temperature favors visits to the Amazon. Even so, between the months of April and July, travelers can enjoy the high water period on the rivers. At this time, there isn’t much rain and the tours are more interesting.

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The climate in Amazonas is defined as equatorial. As such, temperatures are high throughout the year, with a slight oscillation in the winter period. The temperature variation between the hottest and coldest months is between 25º C and 27º C.