A few words about
Lençóis Maranhenses
Lençóis Maranhenses
we are the NY’s largest specialist fragrance retailer with 20 stores across the UsA & Europe.
Nunc vulputate feugiat tortor ac congue. Nam sit amet urna vitae ligula pellentesque porttitor ut id nisl. Nam laoreet velit ipsum. Suspendisse ullamcorper, odio id faucibus consectetur, elit quam cursus est, nec sagittis purus enim a eros. Sed posuere nec lacus sit amet ullamcorper. Donec ut egestas purus. Duis placerat turpis non urna convallis convallis vitae nec odio. Vestibulum quam turpis, blandit vel fermentum sed, pulvinar in risus. Etiam a mauris sed nunc venenatis vulputate vitae quis tortor. Curabitur gravida accumsan elementum. Praesent ut hendrerit dui, vitae elementum mi.

Main tourist attractions
Attractions to include in your itinerary
MH Experience recommends a number of attractions in the region. As a highlight, it is important to list some essential tourist attractions for a good experience at the destination:
-Blue Lagoon
-Bonita Lagoon
-Esperança Lagoon
-Canto dos Lençóis
– Negro River
-Verde Lagoon
-Gaivota Lagoon
-Betânia Lagoon
-Emendadas Lagoon
-Travosa Beach
-Queimada dos Britos
-Baixa Grande
A few words about
Best Season
The best time to travel to Lençóis Maranhenses is during the period from May to September. After the rainy season, the lagoons form within the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park and you can check out numerous lagoon options.
A few words about
The climate in the Lençóis Maranhenses region is defined as dry sub-humid. Thus, even though the landscape is desert, there are two well-defined seasons. There is the rainy season, from January to July, and the dry season, from August to December.