A few words about

Pantanal - Amolar Expedition

Pantanal - Amolar Expedition

Pantanal is one of the best LGBTQIA+ destinations for MH Experience expeditions

The Pantanal is a biome in which there are basically wetlands and dense vegetation. In Brazil, you can find this type of area between the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. The region has a hot and humid climate in summer and a very dry climate in winter. In this type of expedition, MH Experience emphasizes the beauty of nature, the opportunity of river cruises and accommodation on local farms. Regardless of the itinerary, it is very important to have qualified tour guides.

Main tourist attractions

Attractions to include in your itinerary

-Horseback riding
-Photo safari
-Canoe trip
-Boat trip
-Pantanal trip by train
-Visit to the Blue Macaw project
-Piranha fishing